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BISON Children’s Scholarship Fund
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BISON Children’s Scholarship Fund

Families new to your school as well as current families not receiving BISON can now apply for scholarships for the 2023-24 school year. To start the process, families can complete a pre-application form online at  Our deadline is March 15, 2023.  Scholarships are awarded using a lottery system from all submitted pre-applications forms and all applicants will be notified of lottery results via email on March 16th.

Current families do not need to fill out a pre-application, they will be emailed a link to complete the renewal process and add siblings on February 21st.

Does my family qualify?

  • To be eligible for the BISON program, families must:
  • Reside within the 8 counties of Western New York;
  • Meet income eligibility guidelines (based on percentage of poverty rates);
  • Have a child entering grades Kindergarten through 8th grade;
  • Meet the admissions requirements at the accredited school that their child wants to attend.

