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Admissions at Notre Dame Academy Buffalo NY

New Students Prek 3 thru Kindergarten

This is for children who have never attended school previously and are not part of the Buffalo UPK4 program.

Our PreK programs are structured school programs. They are not day cares.

The application process is two parts - application and enrollment.

  1. Application - All new students must complete the student application online. All documents must be uploaded before you can continue.
    • Upload any 504/IEP your child may have.
  2. Enrollment - After all documents have been received an enrollment packet will be emailed to you.
    • This will include medical records, busing information, emergecny contacts, etc.
    • Tutition payment will take place in this step.
  3. Upon completion of the enrollment packet you will receive a certificate welcoming you to Notre Dame Academy.
  4. The child's teacher will contact you regarding pre-screening appointments.