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Notre Dame Academy - Parent Information


NDA Parents serving cocoEssential to the success of NDA is the partnership between educators and parents. This partnership is built on a foundation of mutual trust, respect, and honesty.  When parents enroll their children at NDA, they have certain expectations of the school, its teachers and administrators. NDA likewise has certain expectations of parents.

Parental Rights include:

  • To have your children’s safety be a priority.
  • To have your children receive an academically sound education in a Catholic environment.
  • To have your children taught by competent teachers who respect and care for them.
  • To participate in the life of NDA.

Parental Responsibilities include:

  • To be a partner with NDA in the education of your children.
  • To understand and support the religious nature of NDA.
  • To read all communications from NDA.
  • To discuss concerns and problems with appropriate personnel.
  • To be as actively involved as you can be in the life of NDA and to volunteer assistance when possible.
  • To promote NDA and to speak well of it to others.
  •  To meet your financial obligations in a timely manner and to support fundraising efforts.

Parents are encouraged to stay connected by using the tabs on this page, and visiting the school website often for the latest information.

If you are not getting your Robo Calls or the Virtual BackPack, or Monthly letters please email