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UPK - Buffalo Residents mandatory meeting
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UPK - Buffalo Residents mandatory meeting

Great News! Looking ahead into the 2023-2024 School Year, Buffalo Public has increased its student allocation and has advised us that the entire UPK program must be free to all Buffalo residents. This means you will not be charged any fees associated with Notre Dame, such as the lottery fee, the registration fee, or the student activity fee.  The entire year is free. Of course, we would love for you to volunteer and attend all our fun family events we have planned for next year as well!

In order to ensure that your tuition will be free and to guarantee your spot for your child next year here at Notre Dame, we are requiring you to attend one of the dates to complete the required paperwork needed for Buffalo residents. You must come to school on either March 29th or April 26th to complete your Buffalo Paperwork between the hours of 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. in our Abbott Road Cafeteria.  

                   You will need to bring the following documents with you:

  • A license with your Buffalo Address
  • A utility bill with your Buffalo Address
  • A birth Certificate for the child attending school
  • You will also need a Vaccination Record/Physical/Dental

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Rene Sperrazza, our UPK, Director at or myself, and my phone number is 716-824-0726 ext. 110. We are always here to help! Thank you again for choosing NDA!  Where students believe they can achieve!


