I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits as we welcome the start of a new school year. It is with great enthusiasm and excitement that we anticipate the return of your children after the summer break. We have missed their presence and are looking forward to a fulfilling and productive academic year.
Fall Sports registration is open and close August 9th. Register online - https://notredamebuffalo.sportngin.com/register/form/941407653
Our Sports Program and this Sports Banquet would not be possible without these individuals. A night like tonight, would not be possible without their guidance, support, and effort. These individuals are always there to help with any issues, answer any questions, and most importantly they work to promote and positively help grow our Sports Program. While much of the work they do is behind the scenes, they have a huge impact on our sports program and we truly appreciate you.
At Notre Academy, we are constantly reminding our students to be “Neighborly, Devoted, and Accountable,” within the school and community. On the playing field, being Neighborly, Devoted, and Accountable means: Demonstrating good sportsmanship and positively influencing those around you. Being committed to the team in attending practices, games, meets, and tournaments, as well as pushing yourself to be your best, while being accountable for your play, and actions.
If you are not getting your Robo Calls or the Virtual BackPack, or Monthly letters please email Robin Keller
Fill out the form below and we will contact you to answer all your questions.