Winter Sports Registration will begin Spet 22nd and run through Monday, October 2nd. The winter sports are Basketball and Cheerleading. Winter Sports Registration >>
This summer, our administrative team met with Jeff Solomon from DPREP who specializes in writing school safety plans at many different levels. With the safety plan came the discussion of our dismissal procedure at Abbott Road. Students will now be dismissed using all our door locations and using the Procare app that shows parents when your student has been checked in at school and then checked out. If you are currently using our PROCARE APP for our afterschool program you are familiar with what we are going to be using.
SPORTS ARE NOT GOING AWAY - We received word from Dr. Uhl and the Diocese of Buffalo, that: “The Diocese will be unable to sponsor athletic leagues after this academic year due to budget restraints." We wanted you to know that we understand the impact and importance that our Athletic Programs provide for our students, athletes, and their families. Most of our athletic teams participate in Independently ran leagues.
Two of our 7th grade students, Boril and Ellie, were given the opportunity to work with a mural artist, Danielle Saeva at 465 Main St. They worked on the mural she is doing for Ciminelli and had a very in-depth art conversation.
If you are not getting your Robo Calls or the Virtual BackPack, or Monthly letters please email Robin Keller
Fill out the form below and we will contact you to answer all your questions.